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A LANG ARTS 8 C_Murphy_R3
General Description: This yearlong course is designed for students seeking further challenges, who desire to read additional and more complex literature, and tackle more complex and extensive writing assignments. Students will be expected to work well both in groups and independently. Our focus is on developing analytical reading, academic writing, critical thinking and presentation skills. Course content includes short stories, poetry, and required readings. Instruction includes narrative, informational and argumentative reading and writing. In addition, instruction will include vocabulary building and grammar.
CC 8/ALG 1 A_Saylor_R1
This class is a compacted accelerated/advanced middle school course that meets the requirements of a high school Algebra 1 course and includes additional 8th grade common core math standards.
PCMS Student Commons
The PCMS Commons Course is a place where students can get information about the school library, ASB, counseling department, and any other school-wide applicable materials.
Language Take 3 explores a variety of world languages and their respective cultures.
MATH 7 A_Cohen_R1
This is a combined special education resource math class comprised of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.