All Courses

  • EARTH & SP SC C_Santodomingo_R3

    Students in middle school continue to develop their understanding of the three disciplinary core ideas in the Earth and Space Sciences: 1. Earth's Place in the Universe 2. Earth's Systems 3. Earth and Human Activity

  • EARTH & SP SC A_Ray_R1

    Earth and Space Science

  • PHYSICAL SCI A_Meyers_R1

    Physical Science students model and analyze energy and forces to understand the science of motion. Students expand their understanding and application of energy, learn and the basics of electricity and waves. In the introductory chemistry unit, students apply their understanding of energy to understanding matter and how it changes.

  • EARTH & SP SC A_Wickenheiser_R1

    Earth and Space Science. Units are: Earth's Dynamic Systems, Weather and Climate, and Space Systems Exploration.

  • PHYSICAL SCI A_Potter_R1

    Physical Science students model and analyze energy and forces to understand the science of motion. Students expand their understanding and application of energy, learn and the basics of electricity and waves. In the introductory chemistry unit, students apply their understanding of energy to understanding matter and how it changes.

  • EARTH & SP SC A_Huss_R1

    In this course, students embark on an exciting journey to explore the dynamic interactions that shape our planet and the vast cosmos beyond.

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