All Courses

  • LANG ARTS 8 A_Kiemle_R1

    In this yearlong course, 8th graders will develop analytical reading, academic writing, critical thinking and presentation skills. Course content includes short stories, poetry, and required readings. Instruction includes narrative, informational and argumentative reading and writing related to sustainability. In addition, instruction will include vocabulary building and grammar.

  • HLTHY CHOICES 8_Gibson_R2

    Teaching our students good health and fitness principles can lead to a life of healthy practices, resulting in more productive, active, and successful lives. For further information, see

  • BIOLOGY A_Biswell_R1

    At the end of this course you will have an understanding that energy from the sun drives all of the phenomena of life, just as it drives Earth and Space phenomena. You will understand that the matter of life cycles through bodies, ecosystems, and the planet. You will understand that all living things (organisms) have structures (body parts) that perform a particular function to help the organism survive in its unique environment. Lastly, you will understand that all life has adapted to its unique environment over long periods of change in a process called evolution. This is a high school Biology course which will earn you a high school science credit and show up on your high school transcript. There will be increasing responsibility placed on you to keep up and reach out if you need help. I'm always available if you need a little extra support.

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